Golf Outings

Controlling Emotions on the Golf Course 

If you are really into the game of golf, you can relate to experiencing a wide range of emotions throughout the duration of a game – excitement, proudness, anxiousness, disappointment, anger. Sometimes, you may even feel all of these emotions within just one round! The game can have a lot of ups and downs, and throughout all of the rockiness, it is important that you learn to cope and go with the flow no matter what happens and how well, or bad, the game goes. It can be difficult to control your emotions but is something that is vital to…

Benefits of Using a Caddie on the Course

There is a lot of back and forth that goes on when it comes to the topic of whether golfers should have a caddie on the course or go off by themselves for a round of golf. While many people may find both pros and cons of using a caddie due to their own personal experience, if you have never utilized having a caddie on the course, there may be a lot of benefits that you are not aware of. Here are some of the best parts about having a caddie on the course, for you to consider: You do…

Let’s Get Prepared to Beat the Heat on the Course

Now that Memorial Day weekend has past, we are officially moving into the summer months. With that comes brighter, much hotter days, and ultimately, more time for you, your family and your friends to spend enjoying the outdoors! Golfing in the summer months is extremely popular, as golfers love to enjoy their favorite pastime in the beautiful weather. However, some days can get hotter than others, and in order to be successful during your game as well as keep your body healthy, you must be prepared. If you are planning on heading to the course on a hot summer day,…

What to Avoid on the Course for the Perfect Posture

If you find yourself constantly sitting every day due to an office job, you know first-hand how difficult it can be to focus on and perfect your posture. Unfortunately, having a poor posture can have many consequences, including back pain, neck pain and more! From a golf perspective, having bad posture on the course, specifically, during your swing, can greatly affect your game. It is important that you know exactly how to align your posture on the course because if you are not set up correctly from the start, you will be more prone to failing. To help you focus…

Trusting Yourself and Your Swing

Everyone has heard the phrase “trust yourself” at one point or another within their lives. Whether it is in their personal life when having to make a big decision, professionally at an important meeting, or during a big sporting event where decisions need to be made on the fly. Truthfully, trusting yourself is one of the most important aspects of life – trusting your head, trusting your heart, and trusting your gut! Trusting yourself is especially important in the game of golf when it comes to your swing specifically. When you learn to trust yourself under pressure on the course,…

Need Another Reason to Fall in Love with Golf? We’ve Got You Covered

As if you did not need yet another reason to stay in love with the game of golf – we have another! Are you aware that regularly golfing can actually make you a smarter person overall? There are many different aspects of the game of golf that a lot of players, and potential players, may not even realize. When you become so engulfed in the game, you may forget how many outstanding skills you are attaining while you play. The game of golf exercises your memory in outstanding ways, and is a great way to stay mentally healthy, especially as…

Golf Etiquette – What You Should Know

The game of golf, while very fun, is also a game that many take very seriously, and work hard to improve on. It is important that while you are on the course, you maintain the rules of the game in a respectful manner. There are rules and regulations when it comes to the etiquette of the game of golf. Whether it is specific rules for the course you are playing on, or the general rules when it comes to what to wear, it is important to make sure that you are on top of what can and cannot be done…

Golf Outing

Tips For Your Next Corporate/Charity Golf Outing

Here in Houston, the best months to play golf tend to be March/April/May and September/October. Spring is here and Corporate/Charity Golf is back! In a world of impersonal business communication filled with faxes, cell phones, voice mail, and e-mail, the development of personal relationships has become more valuable than ever.  Understanding the benefits golf can provide in business can give you a competitive edge as a round of golf offers an opportunity to build a personal relationship with business clients or colleagues by spending 4-5 hours in a relaxed setting with people who otherwise can be difficult to reach on…